

Pain After Root Canal You may experience some mild to moderate pain, sensitivity, and soreness after a root canal treatment. You might feel that the area around the tooth is still tender and sore. This is due to the pressure on the nerves and tissues during the procedure   Before the procedure begins, your dentist will apply a local anesthetic to numb the tooth and the surrounding area. You shouldn’t feel pain during the procedure. Your dentist will then make a small opening on the tooth crown on top to get access to the dental pulp. They should clean out the diseased pulp from the pulp chamber and root canals. As the effects of the numbing agent wear off, you might feel some pain and sensitivity.
The pressure of the cleaning process on the tooth can cause some pain and discomfort later until your body heals. But your pain or sensitivity is not meant to last long and should go away a few days after your root canal.
It is especially important to take good care of your mouth and the tooth that underwent root canal right after your treatment. Good oral hygiene will help manage your pain. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to brush your teeth when your dentist says you can resume brushing again.
Avoid chewing hard foods immediately after your treatment. Also, if your tooth and gums are still numb, be careful to avoid eating since you might accidentally bite hard on your tooth or damage your tongue or inner cheeks.
Symptoms like severe pain, prolonged swelling or soreness, and fever can indicate a recurrent infection following a root canal. You must call your dentist or endodontist to prevent the dental issue from getting worse and provide you with the best treatment option.
Dentists will restore a tooth undergoing a root canal with a crown. These dental crowns, which can be made of porcelain, metal, gold, or zirconia, will protect the tooth from further damage and bring back its normal function. It can take time before you get used to the crown in your mouth.

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